Yuma, Arizona - The City of Yuma will roll out trucks from its fire, police, utilities and public works departments and give residents a chance to touch and see them up close on Saturday, adding another dimension to a scheduled free park social.​

The touch-a-truck event and park social will take place between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 at the Joe Henry Optimist Center Park, 1793 S. 1st Ave.

Children will be invited to explore 8 trucks from various City departments and learn about their capabilities and functions.

Free Health screenings will be offered for children in the mobile health clinic. Nonprofit agency partners will have tables offering information to parents. Partners will offer craft projects for children, plus giveaways, candy and more.

The event will include the regular activities associated with Parks and Recreation’s series of park socials – free hot dogs and children’s games, including Candy Land activities, taking advantage of the Candy Land-painted perimeter sidewalk that was installed last year. Park social activities are scheduled to take place from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

In the spirit of the current season, children are encouraged to wear their costumes.

“Touch-A-Truck is a family-friendly event that will offer children a hands-on opportunity to see, touch, and explore the vehicles that protect, build, and serve our community,” said Neighborhood Services Manager Rhonda Lee-James.

The event coincides with Arizona Cities and Towns Week, which encourages residents to get to know more about the services and benefits their city provides them.