El Discurso de Despedida del Presidente Obama

Washington, DC - El Discurso de Despedida del Presidente Obama:

Feliz Navidad del Presidente y la Primera Dama

Washington, DC - Comentarios del Presidente Barack Obama y la Primera Dama Michelle Obama

Basic knitting for adults

Somerton, Arizona - Basic knitting for adults will be offered in Spanish at the Somerton Library. Please bring your own knitting needles, yarn, and other materials. There is no charge to attend.

Un Sueño Diferente Support Group

Somerton, Arizona - Un Sueño Diferente Support Group meets every Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Somerton Library. Caring for a child with special needs can be challenging, but a support group can give you the reassurance you need. Connect with other parents and share tips, advice, and support. There is no charge to attend.

Garantizando un Mercado Justo y Competitivo

Comentarios del Presidente Barack Obama
Mensaje semanal
La Casa Blanca
17 de diciembre de 2016
