Acronis Increases Arizona Investment To 20 Million, Expands R&D Center For AI And Blockchain Projects

Scottsdale, Arizona - Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection and hybrid cloud solutions, currently celebrating its 15-year anniversary, announced it will increase its investment in Arizona to 20 million over the next three years through the expansion of its operations and the availability of research and development engineering positions at its office in Scottsdale.

Deputy Secretary of State Sullivan's Meeting With Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie

New York - On September 26, Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan met with Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Explaining WEP and GPO - Social Security Matters

Washington, DC -  Dear Rusty: My wife is a retired Missouri teacher and now on Medicare. Unfortunately, due to the windfall elimination provision for teachers in our state, she cannot get Social Security. So, she must pay for her Medicare. I’ve never quite understood this and why some states have it, and some don’t. I’m also confused as to why she can’t get my SS if something were to happen to me. Our SS office can’t explain this to us. Can you enlighten us? ~ Perplexed

Christine S. Wilson Sworn in as FTC Commissioner

Washington, DC - Christine S. Wilson was sworn in today as a Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission. President Donald J. Trump named Wilson to a term that expires on September 25, 2025.

Anna Abram to the 2018 Intergovermental Meeting on Drug Compounding

Washington, DC - Remarks from Anna Abram as prepared for delivery to the 2018 Intergovermental Meeting on Drug Compounding: