Department of State Hosts First Annual U.S.-Kenya Bilateral Strategic Dialogue

Washington, DC - The United States Department of State will host the first annual U.S. Kenya Bilateral Strategic Dialogue (BSD) on May 7-8. President Donald J. Trump and President Uhuru M. Kenyatta established the Dialogue at the White House on August 27, 2018, when they elevated the bilateral relationship to a Strategic Partnership.

Scott Warren Worked to Prevent Migrant Deaths in the Arizona Desert. The Government Wants Him in Prison

New York - The Intercept has published “Bodies in the Borderlands,” a long-form feature by reporter Ryan Devereaux focused on the prosecution of Scott Warren, a humanitarian aid worker volunteering with the immigrant rights group No More Deaths (also known as No Más Muertes) in Arizona.

More intensive blood pressure therapy helps patients with type 2 diabetes

Dallas, Texas - People with type 2 diabetes who received intensive treatment to keep their blood pressure levels at 130/80 mm/Hg or below had fewer heart attacks, strokes and other diabetes complications, according to a study published in the American Heart Association’s journal Hypertension. 

New Legislation Would Support Increased Charitable Giving Among Our Nation’s Seniors

Washington, DC - Bipartisan legislation introduced this week would expand the IRA Charitable Rollover to allow seniors starting at age 65 to make tax-free IRA rollovers to charities through life-income plans (charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts).

Two Greek Shipping Companies Sentenced After Illegally Discharging Oil Into Texas Port Waters

Houston, Texas - Two Greek shipping companies, Avin International LTD and Nicos I.V. Special Maritime Enterprises, were sentenced Friday in the Eastern District of Texas before Judge Marcia A. Crone on charges stemming from several discharges of oil into the waters of Texas ports by the oil tanker M/T Nicos I.V., announced Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark for the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division and United States Attorney Joseph D. Brown for the Eastern District of Texas.