Written by YNN YNN
Published: 06 October 2018 06 October 2018

Phoenix, Arizona - Since 2015, 49 California-based businesses have chosen to set up operations in Arizona, bringing more than 18,000 jobs and over $9 billion in capital to our state.

But, it’s not only companies and startups from our next door neighbor choosing to expand or set up shop in Arizona — our state’s high quality of life, low taxes and qualified workers have made Arizona a destination for international businesses as well.

In the last two months alone, five international companies have chosen to expand operations in our state, creating more than 2000 new jobs and investing over $48 million in Arizona.

Arizona will also be home to Skybridge Arizona, the first inland cargo inspections facility in the nation to house both Mexican and United States customs, helping speed up the transfer of goods between Arizona and Latin America.

Learn more about the latest international companies choosing to do business in Arizona: